Руководство пользователя посудомоечной машины Hotpoint-Ariston LST 5337

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EN40TroubleshootingWhenever the appliance fails to work, check for a solution from the following list before calling for Assistance.Problem:Possible causes / Solutions:The dishwasher does not start or cannot be controlled Switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, switch it back on after approximately one minute and reset the program. The appliance has not been plugged in properly. The dishwasher door has not been shut properly. The door wont close The lock was released. Strongly push the door until a clacking noise is heard.No water drains out from the dishwasher. The dishwasher cycle has not yet finished. The water inlet hose is bent (seeInstallation). The drain duct is blocked. The filter is clogged up with food residues.The dishwasher makes excessive noise. The dishes are rattling against each other or against the sprayer arms. An excessive amount of foam has been produced: the detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in dishwashers (see Start-up and use). The dishes and glasses are covered in a white film or limescale deposits. The level of the refined salt is low or the dosage setting is not suited to the hardness of the water (seeRinse aid and salt). The lid on the salt dispenser is not closed properly. The rinse aid has been used up or the dosage is too low.The dishes and glasses are streaked or have a bluish tinge. The rinse aid dosage is too high.The crockery has not been dried properly. A wash cycle without a drying program has been selected. The rinse aid has been used up or the dosage is too low (seeRinse aid and salt). The rinse aid dispenser setting is not suitable. The crockery is made from non-stick material or plastic.The dishes are not clean. The racks are overloaded (see Loading the racks). The crockery has not been arranged well. The sprayer arms cannot move freely. The wash cycle is too gentle (seeWash cycles). An excessive amount of foam has been produced: the detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in dishwashers (see Start-up and use). The lid on the rinse aid compartment has not been shut correctly. The filter is dirty or blocked (see Care and maintenance). The refined salt level is low (see Rinse aid and salt).The dishwasher does not take any water in - Tap shut-off alarm (several short beeps are emitted) (the ON/OFF indicator light flashes and the number 6 appears on the display). There is no water in the mains supply. The water inlet hose is bent (see Installation). Turn on the tap and the appliance will start after a few minutes. The appliance lock has been activated because no action was taken when the beeps sounded. Switch off the appliance using the ON/OFF button, turn on the tap and switch the appliance back on after 20 seconds by pressing the same button. Re-program the appliance and restart the wash cycle.Water inlet hose alarm / Water inlet filter blocked (the ON/OFF indicator light flashes and the number 7 appears on the display). Switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button. Shut off the water tap to eliminate the risk of flooding and remove the plug from the electrical socket. Make sure the water inlet filter has not become blocked by impurities (see Care and maintenance chapter).* Only available in selected models.195089613.0002/2011 - Xerox Fabriano
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Руководство пользователя посудомоечной машины Hotpoint-Ariston LST 5337

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Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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