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EN39Precautions, advice andAssistance This appliance was designed and manufactured incompliance with current international safety standards. Thefollowing information has been provided for safety reasonsand should therefore be read carefully.General safety This appliance is not intended for use by persons(including children) with reduced physical, sensory ormental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge,unless they have been given supervision or instructionconcerning use of the appliance by a person responsiblefor their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do notplay with the appliance. The appliance was designed for domestic use inside thehome and is not intended for commercial or industrial use. The appliance must be used by adults only, to washdomestic crockery in accordance with the instructions inthis manual. The appliance must not be installed outdoors, even incovered areas. It is extremely dangerous to leave themachine exposed to rain and storms. Do not touch the appliance when barefoot. When unplugging the appliance always pull the plug fromthe mains socket, do not pull on the cable. The water supply tap must be shut off and the plug shouldbe removed from the electrical socket before cleaning theappliance or carrying out any maintenance work. If the appliance breaks down, do not under anycircumstances touch the internal parts in an attempt toperform the repair work yourself. Never touch the heating element. Do not lean or sit on the open door of the appliance: thismay cause the appliance to overturn. The door should not be left open as it may create adangerous obstacle. Keep detergent and rinse aid out of reach of children. The packaging material should not be used as a toy.Disposal Disposal of packaging materials: observe local legislationso that the packaging may be reused. The European Directive 2002/96/EC relating to WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) states thathousehold appliances should not be disposed of using thenormal solid urban waste cycle. Exhausted appliancesshould be collected separately in order to optimise the costof re-using and recycling the materials inside the machine,while preventing potential damage to the atmosphere andto public health. The crossed-out dustbin is marked on allproducts to remind the owner of their obligations regardingseparated waste collection.For further information relating to the correct disposal ofhousehold appliances, owners may contact the relevantpublic authority or the local appliance dealer.Saving energy and respecting theenvironmentSaving water and energy Only begin a wash cycle when the dishwasher is full. Whilewaiting for the dishwasher to be filled, prevent unpleasantodours using the Soak cycle (see Wash cycles). Select a wash cycle which is suited to the type of crockeryand to the soil level of the crockery using the Table of washcycles:- For dishes with a normal soil level, use the Eco washcycle, which guarantees low energy and waterconsumption levels.- If the load is smaller than usual activate the Half loadoption* (see Start-up and use). If your electricity supply contract gives details of electricitysaving time bands, run wash cycles during the periodswhen a lower tariff is applied. The Delayed start* button(see Start-up and use) helps you organise the wash cyclesaccordingly.Phosphate-free and chlorine-free detergentscontaining enzymes We strongly recommend that you use detergents that donot contain phosphates or chlorine, as these products areharmful to the environment. Enzymes provide a particularly effective action attemperatures around 50°C, and as a result detergentscontaining enzymes can be used in conjunction with low-temperature wash cycles in order to achieve the sameresults as a normal 65°C wash cycle. To avoid wasting detergent, use the product in appropriatequantities based on the manufacturers recommendations,the hardness of the water and the soil level and quantity ofcrockery to be washed. Even if they are biodegradable,detergents contain substances which may alter the balanceof nature.* Only available in selected models.AssistanceBefore contacting Assistance: Check whether the problem can be resolved usingthe Troubleshooting guide (see Troubleshooting). Restart the programme to check whether theproblem has ceased to exist. If the problem persists, contact the AuthorisedTechnical Assistance Service.Never use the services of unauthorisedtechnicians.Please have the following information to hand: The type of malfunction. The appliance model (Mod.). The serial number (S/N).This information can be found on the appliance dataplate (see Description of the appliance).
Руководство пользователя посудомоечной машины Hotpoint-Ariston LST 5337
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