Руководство пользователя посудомоечной машины Hotpoint-Ariston LST 5337

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EN38Care and maintenanceShutting off the water and electricitysupplies• Turn off the water tap after every wash cycle to avoidleaks.• Always unplug the appliance when cleaning it andwhen performing maintenance work.Cleaning the dishwasher• The external surfaces of the machine and the controlpanel may be cleaned using a non-abrasive clothwhich has been dampened with water. Do not usesolvents or abrasive products.• Any marks on the inside of the appliance may beremoved using a cloth dampened with water and alittle vinegar.Preventing unpleasant odours• Always keep the door of the appliance ajar in order toavoid moisture from forming and being trapped insidethe machine.• Clean the seals around the door and detergentdispensers regularly using a damp sponge. This willavoid food becoming trapped in the seals, which isthe main cause behind the formation of unpleasantodours.Cleaning the sprayer armsFood residue may become encrusted onto the sprayerarms and block the holes used to spray the water. It istherefore recommended that the arms are checked fromtime to time and cleaned with a small non-metallicbrush.The two sprayer arms may both be removed.To remove the upper sprayerarm, rotate the locking ring inan anti-clockwise direction.The upper sprayer arm shouldbe replaced with the holesfacing upwards.The lower sprayer arm maybe removed by pulling itupwards.Cleaning the water inlet filter*If the water hoses are new or have not been used for anextended period of time, let the water run to make sure itis clear and free of impurities before performing thenecessary connections. If this precaution is not taken,the water inlet could become blocked and damage thedishwasher.* Only available in selected models.2CB4Clean the water inlet filter at the tap outlet regularly.- Turn off the water tap.- Unscrew the end of the water inlet hose, remove the filter andclean it carefully under running water.- Replace the filter and screw the water hose back intoposition.Cleaning the filtersThe filter assembly consists of three filters which remove foodresidues from the washing water and then recirculate thewater. They should be cleaned if you wish to achieve the bestresults in every wash.Clean the filters regularly.The dishwasher should not be used without filters, or if thefilter is loose.• After several washes, check the filter assembly and ifnecessary clean it thoroughly under running water, using anon-metallic brush and following the instructions below:1. Turn the cylindrical filter C in an anti-clockwise directionand pull it out (fig. 1).2. Remove the cup filter B by exerting a slight pressure on theside flaps (fig. 2).3. Slide out the stainless steel plate filter A (fig. 3).4.Inspect the trap and remove any food residue.NEVER REMOVE the wash cycle pump (black detail)(fig. 4).After cleaning the filters, replace the filter assembly and fix it inposition correctly; this is essential for maintaining the efficientoperation of the dishwasher.Leaving the machine unused for extendedperiods• Disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply andshut off the water tap.• Leave the door of the appliance ajar.• When you return, run a wash cycle when the dishwasher isempty.1CA3
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