Руководство пользователя пароварки ZELMER 37Z012

Инструкции по эксплуатации бытовой техники и электроники > ZELMER

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39Cleaning and maintenance (Fig. C)1 Before cleaning always make sure if the timer knob is in „stop” position and the plug of the supplying cord is unplugged from the mains supply outlet.REMARK: It is allowed to clean the appliance after complete cooling down.2 Remove the steaming bowls, dripping tray, empty them and empty the water tank, clean the tank with damp cloth.3 Wash all the parts of the appliance (apart of the water tank with the heating unit) with warm water and wash-up liquid.The parts mentioned above can be also washed in the upper level of the dishwasher, using a short washing cycle. However, washing these parts regularly in the dishwasher may result in the loss of shine on their outside surfaces and their tarnishing.4 Dry each element.REMARK: Do not wash under running water or immerse in water the water tank with the heating unit.Do not use aggressive detergents such as emulsion, cleaning milk, cleaning pastes, etc. They can remove the graphic information symbols, such as: scales, marking, warning signs, etc.De-scalingAfter approximately eight times of operation remove the lime stone filling the water tank with white vinegar so that the heating unit (heater) is covered. Leave it for night, than wash the tank thoroughly with a dump cloth soaked with warm water.Ecology – environment protectionEach user can protect the natural environment. It is neither difficult nor expensive.In order to do it: put the cardboard packing into recycling paper container; put the polyethylene (PE) bags into container for plastic.When worn out, dispose the appliance to particular disposal centre, because of the dangerous elements of this appliance, which can be hazardous for natural environment.Do not dispose into the domestic waste disposal!!!The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any damages resulting from unintended use or inappropriate handling. The manufacturer reserves his rights for modifying the product any time in order to adjust it to law regulations, norms, directives, or due to construction, trade aesthetic or other reasons, without notifying it in advance.
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