Инструкция Xoro - HSD 2100

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GLOSSARY5.1CDCVBSDivXDolbyDigital 5.1DSPDTSDVDPhoto-CD(JPEGCD)5.1-multichannel encoding means, that 5 audichannelswith full frequency response are present (left, center,right, surround left, surround right) plus a subwooferchannel (represented by the „.1”) providing deephumming frequencies you are used to know frommodern cinemas. Both Dolby Digital and DTSsupport 5.1-coding and decoding.A CD (Compact Disc) is a metal-coated plastic disc. Ithas a diameter of 12 cm and a thickness of anout 1,2mm. It was developed by Sony and Philips in 1985. Theadvantages are digital storage of music enabling verynatural sound reproduction. Beyond this, the data isstored more compact, the handling is easy. The longlifetime of the media and the fact that usage does notdecrease quality made the CD the ideal storage media.In the meantime, 12 different storage media have beendeveloped from the first CD. The mostly used are CD-DA (Compact Disc - Digital Audio) , CD-ROM (CompactDisc - Read Only Memory), and the DVD (DigitaleVersatile Disc).One can store about 74 to 80 minutes of music on a CD(-DA). This is equal to 650 to 700 MBSignal transmission is performed touchless with a laserbeam. The CD is being read from the middle to the outerside. The data or music is recorded in a spiral from themiddle to the outer side.A CD has pits and lands, the distance is about 1,6 mm.The laser light created by a laser diode passes differentmirrors and prisms and then is focused by a lens to alaser beam. This laser beam scans the data spiral of theCD. On the pits, the laser beam is reflected in anotherdirection and is detected by a photocell. The photocelltransmits the signal to a microprocessor which convertsthe digital data to an audio signal. The rest is done bythe sound system.Composite Video Interface. The video signal istransmitted via a single signal line. CVBS should onlybe used, if your playback device does not offer otherinterfaces for connection with you Xoro TV set, asCVBS due to technical reasons delivers worst qualityof all available interfaces (please also refer to YUV,S-Video, SCART and RGB). The CVBS interface caneasily be identified from the yellow color of the RCAjack.DivX is a new high quality video codec which is basedon MPEG-4 standard and combined with MP3 audio.Originally, the DivX-Codec was a Microsoft codec(MPEG-4 v3). The official codec only used ASF format(no AVI) or WMV format with Windows Media Encoder7. The official codec had a bitrate limit which wasremoved on DivX.On the next stage of development, the codec wasdeveloped completely new and is now 100% MPEG-4compliant. The new codec os called DivX 4/5 and canbe obtained for free athis codec is alsocompatible to videos encoded with the old DivX codec(DivX 3.11). Today, DivX just a brand name for theMPEG-4 encoder/player from DivX Networks that livesfrom the fame of early DivX days.Videos encoded with DivX 4/5 are fully MPEG-4compliant and theoretically can be played on anyMPEG-4 enabled DVD player.Dolby Digital 5.1 is a system for transmission andstorage of 5.1 channel sound on digital media as DVD,digital TV and sattellite transmission. Different from thecodecs Dolby Surround and Pro Logic who do notwork with channel separation to encode the surroundsound in a stereo recording, Dolby Digital is a discretesystem where the different audio channels keepcompletely separated during encoding and decoding.Dolby Digital 5.1 is industry standard for coding of DVDmovies with surround sound.Digital Signal Processor. Microprocessor for digitalprocessing of signals. Virtual Surround for example iscreated with a DSP.DTS is a coding standard similar to Dolby Digital . DTSDigital Surround is a multichannel surround systemfrom Digital Theater Systems. Similar to Dolby Digital ituses up to 5.1 channels. Different from Dolby, the datarate can be far above 1 Mbit/sec so the sound is notcompresses as strong as in Dolby Digital resulting in ahigher sound quality.The frequency range is from 20Hz to 20kHz at 20Bit, butthe subwoofer channels only transmits frequenciesbelow 80Hz. The coding system also is called CAC.The DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) was introduced in1995 and is a storage media with a large capacity.While a standard CD can store 650 MB of data, the DVDcan store up to 9 GB. Especially when it comes to videoplayback, a large storage capacity is important. Beyondits high capacity, the consumeA Photo-Cd is a storage system for image storage on aCD-ROM in a platform independent multi resolutionstructure (support of different resolutions and fileformats, e.g. JPEG, BMP, etc). As a single camera filmdies not fill a complete CD, more films can be added tothe CD at a later time. A CD-R®®®®®®®®®TMTM®®®®r enjoys high quality videoand audio. A DVD can storeupto8 differentaudiostreams, soin best case, the movie can bewatched in 8 different languages.OM drive must bemultisession enabled toload images fromaPhoto-CD.www.divx.com. T88
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