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EN20Precautions and tips!The machine was designed and constructed inaccordance with international safety regulations. Thefollowing information is provided for safety reasons andmust therefore be read carefully.General safety This appliance was designed for domestic use only. the machine must only be used by adults, inaccordance with the instructions given in this manual. Do not touch the machine when barefoot or with wetor damp hands or feet. Do not pull on the power supply cable whenunplugging the appliance from the electricity socket.Hold the plug and pull. Do not touch the drained water as it may reachextremely high temperatures. Never force the porthole door. This could damage thesafety lock mechanism designed to preventaccidental opening. If the appliance breaks down, do not under anycircumstances access the internal mechanisms in anattempt to repair it yourself. Always keep children well away from the appliancewhile it is operating. If it must be moved, proceed with the help of two orthree people and handle it with the utmost care.Never try to do this alone, because the appliance isvery heavy. Before loading laundry into the washing machine,make sure the drum is empty.Disposal Disposing of the packaging materials: observe localregulations so that the packaging may be re-used. The European Directive 2002/96/EC relating to WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) statesthat household appliances should not be disposed ofusing the normal solid urban waste cycle. Exhaustedappliances should be collected separately in order tooptimise the cost of re-using and recycling thematerials inside the machine, while preventingpotential damage to the atmosphere and to publichealth. The crossed-out dustbin is marked on allproducts to remind the owner of their obligationsregarding separated waste collection.For more information relating to the correct disposal ofhousehold appliances, owners should contact theirlocal authorities or appliance dealer.Opening the porthole door manuallyIn the event that it is not possible to open the portholedoor due to a powercut, and if you wish to remove thelaundry, proceed as follows:1. remove the plug from theelectrical socket.2. make sure the water levelinside the machine is lowerthan the door opening; if it isnot, remove excess waterusing the drain hose,collecting it in a bucket asindicated in the figure.3. Remove the coveringpanel on the front of thewashing machine using ascrewdriver (see figure);4. pull outwards using thetab as indicated in the figure,until the plastic tie-rod isfreed from its stop position;pull downwards until youhear a click, whichindicates that the door isnow unlocked.5. open the door; if this isstill not possible repeat theprocedure.6. reposition the panel, making sure the hooks aresecurely in place before you push it onto the appliance.
Инструкция стиральной машины Hotpoint-Ariston AQ8F 29 U H
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Информация отображена на картинке
Информация отображена на картинке
Информация отображена на картинке
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