Инструкция стиральной машины Hotpoint-Ariston AQ8F 29 U H

Инструкции по эксплуатации бытовой техники и электроники > Hotpoint-Ariston

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EN8Detergents and laundryDetergentThe type and quantity of detergent required depend onthe type of fabric you are washing (cotton, wool, silk,etc.), as well as its colour, the washing temperature, thelevel of soiling and the hardness of the water in the area.Measuring out the detergent carefully will avoid wastageand help to protect the environment: although they arebiodegradable, detergents still contain ingredients whichalter the balance of nature.We recommend the following:• use powder detergents for white cotton garments andpre-washing.• use liquid detergents for delicate cotton garments andfor all low-temperature wash cycles.• use gentle liquid detergents for wool and silkgarments.The detergent should be poured into the relevantcompartment - or the dispenser placed directly insidethe drum - before the wash cycle begins. In the lattercase, it will not be possible to select the Cottons withpre-wash cycle.!Do not use hand washing detergents because thesecreate too much foam.Preparing the laundry• Shake out the garments before loading them into themachine.• Divide the laundry according fabric type (symbol on thewashing instruction label) and colour, making sure youseparate the coloured garments from the white ones;• Empty all pockets and check the buttons;• Do not exceed the values listed in the “Table of washcycles”, which refer to the weight of the laundry when dry.How much does your laundry weigh?1 sheet 400-500 g1 pillowcase 150-200 g1 tablecloth 400-500 g1 bathrobe 900-1200 g1 towel 150-250 g1 pair of jeans 400-500 g1 shirt 150-200 gWashing recommendationsShirts: use the special “Shirts” wash cycle to washshirts in different fabrics and colours to guarantee theyreceive the best possible care.Jeans: use the special “Jeans” wash cycle for alldenim garments; turn inside out before washing and usea liquid detergent.Baby: use the special “Baby” wash cycle to removethe remove the soiling typically caused by babies, whileremoving all traces of detergent from nappies in order toprevent the delicate skin of babies from suffering allergicreactions. The cycle has been designed to reduce theamount of bacteria by using a greater quantity of waterand optimising the effect of special disinfecting additivesadded to the detergent. At the end of the wash cycle,the machine will slowly rotate the drum; to end the cyclepress the START/PAUSE button.Silk: use the special “Silk” wash cycle to wash all silkgarments. We recommend the use of special detergentwhich has been designed to wash delicate clothes.Curtains:use the “Silk” wash cycle. These shouldbe folded and placed inside the bag provided.Wool: Hotpoint/Ariston is the only washing machinebrand to have been awarded the prestigious WoolmarkPlatinum Care endorsement (M.0508) by the WoolmarkCompany, which means that all woollen garments maybe washed in the washing machine, even those whichstate “hand wash only” on the label. The “Wool”wash cycle can be used to wash all woollen garments inthe washing machine while guaranteeing optimumperformance.Duvets: to wash double or single duvets (the weight ofwhich should not exceed 3,5 kg), cushions or clothespadded with goose down such as puffa jackets, use thespecial “Duvets” wash cycle. We recommend thatduvets are placed in the drum with their edges foldedinwards (see figure) and that no more than ¾ of the totalvolume of the drum is used. To achieve the best results,we recommend that a liquid detergent is used andplaced inside the detergent dispenser drawer.Quilts: to wash quilts with a synthetic outer layer, usethe bag provided and set the wash cycle to “Duvets” .Bedlinen and towels: use the “Bed & Bath” cycleto wash laundry from all over the house; this optimisesfabric softener performance and helps you save time andenergy. We recommend the use of powder detergent.Stubborn stains: it is wise to treat stubborn stains withsolid soap before washing, and to use the Cottons withpre-wash cycle.Load balancing systemBefore every spin cycle, to avoid excessive vibrationsbefore every spin and to distribute the load in a uniformmanner, the drum rotates continuously at a speed whichis slightly greater than the washing rotation speed. If,after several attempts, the load is not balancedcorrectly, the machine spins at a reduced spin speed. Ifthe load is excessively unbalanced, the washingmachine performs the distribution process instead ofspinning. To encourage improved load distribution andbalance, we recommend small and large garments aremixed in the load.
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