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ENWash optionsSuper WashThis option offers a high-performance wash due to thegreater quantity of water used in the initial phase of thecycle, and due to the increased wash cycle duration, isparticularly useful for theremoval of stubborn stains.It can be used with orwithout bleach. If you desirebleaching, insert the extratray compartment (3) intocompartment 1. Whenpouring in the bleach, becareful not to exceed themax level marked on thecentral pivot (see figure).To bleach laundry withoutcarrying out a full wash cycle,pour the bleach into theextra compartment 3, select the "Rinse" cycle andactivate the "Super Wash" option .! It cannot be used in conjunction with , , , , ,, , . Easy IronBy selecting this option, the wash and spin cycles will bemodified in order to reduce the formation of creases.At the end of the cycle the washing machinedrum will rotate slowly; the Easy Iron and START/PAUSE indicator lights will flash. To end the cycle pressthe START/PAUSE button or the Easy Iron button.For the Silk wash cycle, the machine will end thecycle while the laundry is soaking and the EasyIron indicator light will flash. To drain the water so thatthe laundry may be removed, press the START/PAUSEbutton or the Easy Iron button.!It cannot be used in conjunction with , , , , . Time SaverIf you select this option, the wash cycle duration will bereduced by 30%-50%, depending on the selected cycle,thereby guaranteeing simultaneous water and energysaving. Use this cycle for lightly soiled garments.!It cannot be used in conjunction with , , , ,, , , , . Extra rinseBy selecting this option, the efficiency of the rinse isincreased and optimal residual detergent removal isguaranteed. It is particularly useful for skin which issensitive to detergents. We recommend this option isused with a full load of washing, or when a large amountof detergent is required.!It cannot be used in conjunction with , , .312(*) The duration of the wash cycles can be checkedon the display.(*) Note: 10 minutes after the START, the machine will recalculate the time remaining until the end of the wash cycle on the basis of the load inside it; thisvalue will then be shown on the display.Wash cycles and optionsTable of wash cyclesFor all Test Institutes:1) Test wash cycle in compliance with regulation EN 60456: set wash cycle with a temperature of 60°C.2) Long wash cycle for cottons: set wash cycle with a temperature of 40°C.3) Short wash cycle for cottons: set wash cycle with a temperature of 40°C.Icon Description of the wash cycleMax.temp.(°C)Max.speed(rpm)Detergent and additivesMax.load(kg)CycledurationDetergentfor washFabricsoftenerBleachCottons wash cyclesCottons with pre-wash(Add detergent to the relevant compartment).90° 1200ll-8Cottons (1): heavily soiled whites and resistant colours.60°(Max. 90°)1200lll8Cottons (2): heavily soiled whites and delicate colours.40° 1200lll8Coloured Cottons (3)40° 1200lll8Shirts40° 600lll2Jeans40° 800ll-4Special programmesBaby: heavily soiled delicate colours40° 800lll2Durable Synthetics60° 800lll4Delicate Synthetics40° 800lll4"Bed & Bath" for bedlinen and towels.60° 1200lll8Duvets: for down-stuffed garments.30° 1000ll-3,5Silk: for garments in silk and viscose, lingerie.30° 0ll-2Wool: for wool, cashmere, etc.40° 600ll-2Mix 30': to refresh lightly soiled garments quickly (not suitable forwool, silk and clothes which require washing by hand)30° 800ll-3,5Partials wash cyclesRinse-1200-ll8Spin-1200---8Drain-0---8
Инструкция стиральной машины Hotpoint-Ariston AQ8F 29 U H
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