Инструкция, руководство для оператора экскаватора ZX200-350

Категория: Инструкции,руководства пользователя для спец техники

MAINTENANCE7-3012. Remove drain plug (3). Allow oil to drain.13. Remove suction filter and rod assembly (4).14. Clean the filter and tank interior. If the filter is to be re-placed, install new filter on the rod as shown. Tighten nut to 14.5 to 19.5 N•m (1.5 to 2.0 kgf•m, 11.0 to 14.5 lbf•ft).ModelAZX200-3, 270-3, 330-3 Class869 mm (34.2 in)15. Install filter and rod assembly (4). Make sure the filter is positioned correctly on the outlet.16. Replace the hydraulic tank oil filter. (See “Maintenance Every 500 Hours” Section)17. Clean, install and tighten drain plug (3).18. Add oil until it is between the marks on the oil level gauge.19. Install cover (2). Make sure filter and rod assembly (4) are in correct positions. Tighten the bolts to 49 N•m (5 kgf•m, 36 lbf•ft).20. Be sure to bleed air form the system following the proce-dures shown next page.M1U1-07-0473M157-07-06224M107-07-0704A20 mm (0.79 in)


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